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Understanding Low Libido and Sex Drives

Published On: 2021-04-22

It is hard to measure sex drive because there is no objective way to do so. Every woman can define their libido in terms of whether it is high or low depending on what they consider adequate. Many women above 40 years of age claim to have a lower sex drive than they did before. That is, below what they consider to be 'average.'

The possible causes of a low sex drive differ from one woman to another. Women in their menopause do not experience ovulation, and so they may not get the increased sexual desire they had previously experienced during this time. Menopause presents various symptoms which may women disinterested in sex.

Boosting low libido

It is dangerous to use over-the-counter medications to deal with low libido. There are a lot of untested 'libido boosters' in the market that promise to restore women's sex drive. Most of these medications and regimens are not approved by FDA and may lead to adverse negative side effects on the consumers.

Testosterone and Viagra are the most common drugs used for treating low libido in women. Scientific research conducted by independent entities reveals that Viagra particularly has various side effects on both female and male users.

Testosterone and women

Medical research carried out on women who have taken testosterone in super-physiological doses reveals that they have a higher sexual drive than those who have not. Treatment of low libido in women using testosterone presents various side effects including facial hair growth, high cholesterol levels, deepening voice, male-pattern hair loss, and acne.

Causes of low sex drive

A woman's emotional well-being determines her sex drive just as other hormonal and physiological factors. Low libido in women is not entirely a medical concern. Common causes include Lack of sleep, wrong diet, excessive alcohol consumption, depression, menopause, anti-hormone therapies, stress, body image problems, anxiety, lack of sleep among many others.