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3 Benefits of Daily Pushups

There are plenty of benefits to be gained from adding pushups to your daily routine besides looking buff. Whether you’re doing standard pushups, a wide version, narrow version or backwards pushups, incorporating the exercise into your daily routine can help your body in a number of ways. Strength and muscle tone Perhaps the most obvious … Continue reading 3 Benefits of Daily Pushups

What is Diabetes Overtreatment?

The Mayo Clinic is warning people with diabetes that overtreatment can seriously endanger their health. The organization’s new research has found that many people—particularly with type 1 diabetes—are receiving too much glucose-lowering therapy. This overtreatment increases the risk of severe hypoglycemia.  A warning to diabetics The scientists discovered that diabetics in the United States often … Continue reading What is Diabetes Overtreatment?

Choosing Lubricants for Sex

If you run out of lubricants for sex, you may be tempted to reach for an alternative. But olive oil, coconut oil, lotions and baby oil aren’t safe options for a number of reasons. From damaging condoms and staining sheets to clogging pores and causing infections, these alternative lubricants for sex should be avoided. So, … Continue reading Choosing Lubricants for Sex

The Best Foods for Hydration

Water might be your best resource for hydration, but that doesn’t mean drinking it is your only option. When you lose water and electrolytes through sweat, you can also increase hydration by eating foods with a high water content. Here are some foods that contain at least 85% water. Watermelon This one’s not surprising since … Continue reading The Best Foods for Hydration