There are plenty of easy and affordable ways to workout at home. Here’s a look at eight pieces of equipment you can use to set up your home gym – without taking up the entire space. 1. Resistance bands One of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can buy is a set of resistance … Continue reading 8 Pieces of Workout Equipment Every Home Gym Needs
Month: June 2020
Can Running Build Muscles?
Whether you’re an avid outdoor runner or a treadmill-loving gym-goer, you might be wondering if running will help you build muscle mass. The short is yes, but it all depends on how you run. How do you build muscles? The process to build muscle mass is actually quite interesting. To bulk up, your muscles need … Continue reading Can Running Build Muscles?
Have a Cat? Leave That Detail Off of Your Dating Profile
Do you have a cat? If so, you might assume women will love your feline-favoring instincts – but you’d be wrong. Research shows men who like cats are less likely to get a date. Colorado State University conducted a study into cat-ownership and found that women don’t usually swipe right when they land on a … Continue reading Have a Cat? Leave That Detail Off of Your Dating Profile
4 Relationship Killers You Probably Don’t Know About
Have you been in a few relationships lately that haven’t quite worked out? Do you know what went wrong? Sometimes, two people just aren’t meant to be. However, there are certain things that tend to end relationships quickly. If you’re looking for a healthy, lasting relationship, be aware of these four relationship killers: 1. Lack … Continue reading 4 Relationship Killers You Probably Don’t Know About
Fitness Tips from Formula One World Champ Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton has made quite a career for himself as a Formula 1 legend. While you may assume that health and fitness aren’t a priority for a race car driver, you’d be wrong. Hamilton, who is a six-time champion, says it plays a very important role. So, what does Hamilton do to stay in great … Continue reading Fitness Tips from Formula One World Champ Lewis Hamilton
5 Foods Men Should Be Eating
There are certain foods that support men’s health. While men tend to focus on proteins – like meat and potatoes – they are other foods that should be on your plate too. Are you eating the right foods? To help, we’ll explore the foods that are best for men. 1. Blueberries Really, blueberries? It might … Continue reading 5 Foods Men Should Be Eating
3 Canned Foods That Are Still Nutritious
Canned foods aren’t always best for your diet, but it really all depends on the food. Buying your kids canned spaghetti is different than buying canned corn, for example. Right now, when some foods are difficult to get ahold of because of the pandemic, it’s good to know which foods you can rely on. So, … Continue reading 3 Canned Foods That Are Still Nutritious
Which Vegetables Are High in Protein?
When you think of protein, do you think of vegetables? Most of us probably hear “protein” and think of meat, cheese, eggs or even tofu. But some plants contain beneficial amounts of this essential nutrient. Here are some to add to your diet. 1. Asparagus One cup has 3 g of protein. Rich in vitamin … Continue reading Which Vegetables Are High in Protein?
Boost Your Good Cholesterol With These Tips
So, your doctor wants you to increase your “good” cholesterol? More formally known as high-density lipoprotein, HDL takes cholesterol from your arteries to the liver to be used or excreted. When your body has high levels of good cholesterol, you’ll benefit from its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Although genetics do play a role, there are … Continue reading Boost Your Good Cholesterol With These Tips
What a Lump in Your Groin Might Indicate
There are quite a few reasons you might get a lump in your groin—the area that extends from your genitals to your hips. The good news is, many of the causes are relatively benign. Because the area has so many muscles ligaments, nerves and blood vessels, even a harmless lump may make decreased mobility and … Continue reading What a Lump in Your Groin Might Indicate