Erectile dysfunction can be a difficult and embarrassing condition to experience. But for younger men, the emotional toll may be even higher. Fortunately, there appears to now be an effective way to help prevent this issue by following a plant-based diet. What are the benefits of a plant-based diet? By delving into this topic, we … Continue reading This Plant-Based Diet May Help Protect Against Erectile Dysfunction
Tag Archives: erectile dysfunction
Is Erectile Dysfunction Curable?
If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction and having a hard time keeping it up, you may be wondering if there is a cure for your condition aside from Viagra and other ED drugs prescribed by doctors. In most cases, ED is definitely treatable. However, it takes a lot of work on your part. But before … Continue reading Is Erectile Dysfunction Curable?
5 Lifestyle Changes That Help With Erectile Dysfunction
You must be wondering what you can do to naturally help your body become active in sexual activity again. But how can you do it without spending too much? Good news! changing your lifestyle and living healthy can make a huge difference. 1. Start moving Staying active can make a big difference in your life. … Continue reading 5 Lifestyle Changes That Help With Erectile Dysfunction
Does Prostate Cancer Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is the inability to sustain an erection for sexual intercourse. Prostate cancer does not cause erectile dysfunction. However, the treatments, such as prostatectomy surgery, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy will most likely be the cause of it. How and when does erectile function occur after treatment? Different treatments can … Continue reading Does Prostate Cancer Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction Affects Work Productivity
Experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED) can be disheartening in its own right, but new researcher indicates that it may also reduce productivity at work. The researchers looked at questionnaire data from 52,697 men between 40 and 70 in the U.S., UK and six other countries. They asked questions about: Erectile dysfunction over the past 6 months … Continue reading Erectile Dysfunction Affects Work Productivity
Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes Linked Genetically
New findings indicate that there may be a strong correlation between erectile dysfunction (ED) and diabetes in terms of genetics. This goes beyond previous observational evidence that linked the two. The new study on erectile dysfunction and diabetes A team of researchers from the UK looked at data from more than 220,000 men from three … Continue reading Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes Linked Genetically
Erectile Dysfunction May Cause Sleep Issues and Depression
Although some men may think depression and sleep issues are all in their head, they could actually stem from erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction, depression and sleep disorders A new study from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) had 124 men who were attending a clinic specializing in men’s health fill out detailed health questionnaires. The … Continue reading Erectile Dysfunction May Cause Sleep Issues and Depression
Ghana’s First Erectile Dysfunction Unit Opens Today
On August 1, 2018, the Ashanti Regional Hospital in Ghana is getting Men’s Clinic, a unit specifically set up to manage and treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Erectile dysfunction in Ghana According to one of the doctors behind the push for an ED clinic, Dr. Samuel Amanama, erectile dysfunction is increasing in Ghana, likely due to … Continue reading Ghana’s First Erectile Dysfunction Unit Opens Today
IMA’s Initiative Focuses on Erectile Dysfunction
Women in India were hopeful when they heard that the Indian Medical Association IMA) was launching a new initiative to raise sexual health awareness among doctors. The idea was sold as a program to sensitize doctors and break the taboos around talking about sex and sexual health issues. A strong focus on erectile dysfunction But … Continue reading IMA’s Initiative Focuses on Erectile Dysfunction
Can Taking Melatonin Help Your Erectile Dysfunction?
Not getting enough sleep—or poor quality sleep—has been linked to erectile dysfunction (ED). Knowing that melatonin can help you fall asleep and stay asleep, is it possible melatonin—naturally occurring or as a supplement—could also help your ED? Several studies seem to indicate that it could. Melatonin levels and erectile dysfunction in humans A recent study … Continue reading Can Taking Melatonin Help Your Erectile Dysfunction?