A new year brings many goals to mind. A lot of people try to set goals but few actually keep them. You can use mediation to set goals and help you maintain the right focus on them to keep them. Meditation and goal setting Meditation isn’t just a spiritual practice to bring calm to your … Continue reading Meditating to Set Goals
Tag Archives: meditation
Creating a Meditation Environment
People can benefit from meditating in various ways. Meditation helps reduce stress, clear your head, clarify your intentions, and organize your thoughts. The problem for most is getting started. Meditation has their aura of mystery about it that prevents many people from trying it. The reality is that getting some quiet alone time is good … Continue reading Creating a Meditation Environment
Use 10-minute Meditation to Change Your Brain
Meditation is often used to relieve anxiety, reduce stress and offset depression. It has enormous success in those areas. The amazing thing is you don’t have to spend hours in meditation to enjoy the benefits of it. All it takes is 10 minutes a day. Research from the University of Waterloo in Canada shows that … Continue reading Use 10-minute Meditation to Change Your Brain
Can Meditation Relieve Pain?
Many people turn to meditation to relieve pain. They don’t want to take pills and may feel their pain relates to an inward stress. Some believe that meditation reduces stress and, therefore, will reduce pain. What’s the best way to perform pain-reducing meditation? Many think concentrating on your seven chakras can do wonders for pain. … Continue reading Can Meditation Relieve Pain?
What Is Mindfulness Meditation?
Mindfulness meditation, in a way, is self-explanatory. It is having an awareness of the present moment and accepting it for what it is. One of the aspects of mindfulness meditation is you become more objective about your emotions and thoughts. You learn to accept them without judgment and less of them pass without a struggle. … Continue reading What Is Mindfulness Meditation?
How to Release Chakras in Meditation
Meditation is an idea many are turning to to alleviate stress. Those new to meditation may not know that releasing blocked chakras can improve your stress level but also help your health. According to Eastern culture, your body has seven chakras located down your body. Each one relates to a certain aspect of your life … Continue reading How to Release Chakras in Meditation
What is Mantra Meditation?
People who are struggling to meditate resort to mantra meditation to improve concentration and boost awareness. Because it can help you stay focused, mantra meditation could improve your meditation skills. A mantra is a word or phrase that you can repeat during meditation. You can use your mantra as a tool to release your mind … Continue reading What is Mantra Meditation?
Meditation Can Help You Gain Intuition
Meditation can be used for many things. It can reduce stress, help you make a decision and even help you develop your intuition. Listening to your intuition can be a battle for some. It is a conflict between what you are feeling deep down, some say your gut, versus what your head is telling you. … Continue reading Meditation Can Help You Gain Intuition
How to Meditate with Noise
Meditating requires you to focus, but is it possible to focus if there is noise? Not everyone has the luxury of living in a quiet location. Some people who live near busy streets in the city, near train stations, airports, and other not-so-quiet locations. And if that is the case, it might be a good … Continue reading How to Meditate with Noise
How Meditation Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
Meditation is known to help with many things from quieting a restless mind, to help with ADHD, to alleviating depression and helping with making decisions. Now, doctors have developed a unique meditation that can lower your blood pressure. It’s isn’t that unusual of a link when you think about it. Meditation resolves a lot of … Continue reading How Meditation Can Lower Your Blood Pressure