Although consuming sugar doesn’t cause type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it is still important to monitor your carbohydrate and sugar intake as a component of managing diabetes. Staying physically active and eating mindfully can significantly reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes. How Obesity Leads to Diabetes According to several research studies, approximately one-third … Continue reading Should Diabetics Drink Diet Soda?
Tag Archives: obesity
Obesity Poses Different Risks for Men
Although obesity poses increased health risks for both men and women, your sex may predispose you to different obesity-related conditions. Analyzing the data Researchers from the University of Oxford wanted to explore sex-specific relationships and obesity to determine how men and women are affected differently. The team analyzed data from 228,466 women and 195,041 men … Continue reading Obesity Poses Different Risks for Men
Can You Reduce Obesity With Flaxseed Fiber?
Most medical experts agree that flaxseed can help manage cholesterol and fight inflammation, a new study suggests it may also help reduce obesity. Flaxseed’s effects on the gut Researchers from Sweden’s University of Gothenburg and Denmark’s University of Copenhagen conducted a study to determine if flaxseed could positively impact obesity and metabolic health. The researchers … Continue reading Can You Reduce Obesity With Flaxseed Fiber?
Can You Lose Weight With a Tiny Implant?
A new device might aid weight loss with very few side effects.
4 Subtypes of Obesity Identified
Most people know that obesity brings with it a lot of health issues, including increased risk factors for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. But new research indicates that there are four subtypes of obesity, making it even more difficult to treat with one single approach. New research on obesity Analyzing … Continue reading 4 Subtypes of Obesity Identified
Nuts May Help You Avoid Weight Gain
Eating a small portion of nuts each day may be able to help you keep extra weight off. The first study In one study, researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health wanted to understand how eating nuts affected body weight. They had participants replace foods with low nutritional value with a 1-ounce … Continue reading Nuts May Help You Avoid Weight Gain
Obese People With Flu May Be Contagious Longer
A new study indicates that being obese might not just affect the severity of the flu, but also how the virus spreads to others. Obesity and the flu Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Public Health found that obesity appears to affect how long it takes a person to shed influenza A virus … Continue reading Obese People With Flu May Be Contagious Longer
Being Tall Raises Risk for Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Most men already know that being overweight can come with a variety of greater risk factors for disease. But new research indicates that being tall may also come with its own increase risk factors, specifically, for aggressive prostate cancer. Research on taller men A study from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom looked … Continue reading Being Tall Raises Risk for Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Aerobic Fitness Doesn’t Counteract Obesity Issues
While some doctors argue that you can be “fat but fit,” other medical health professionals say that claim about obesity is misleading. New research published the International Journal of Epidemiology has found that regardless of their level of aerobic fitness, men who maintain a “normal” weight are at a lower mortality risk than obese men … Continue reading Aerobic Fitness Doesn’t Counteract Obesity Issues