Weight Loss

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3 Tips for Summer Weight Loss

Summer is coming and this is the time everyone wants to lose weight for beach season.

There are good ways and bad ways of achieving weight loss.

Many will find out that implementing good weight loss methods is just as easy and a lot less stressful than some diet trend.

Losing weight doesn’t have to be boring either, according to consultant nutritionist Dr. Rupali Dutta. Dutta
suggests three things to kickstart your spring to summer weight loss program.

1. Drink Lots of Fluids

Staying hydrated is the key factor in losing weight this time of year.

First, it fills you up.

Second, the weather is warmer so you’re going to sweat more.

Third, you are exercising more so you need it.

However, you don’t have to make it all water.

Sure, water is the best thing but you can switch it up with lemon water, fruit infused water, coconut water, mint water and summer beverages like kanji and aam panna.

Just stay away from sugary drinks.

2. Eat Lots of Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and vegetables have fiber, antioxidants and tons of other good things that assist in weight loss.

Plus, both tend to be low in calories.

Include vegetables like cucumber, bottle gourd, eggplant and bulky vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

Melons of any variety are great for summer diets.

They tend to be full of water so they are perfect for dry days.

They are low in calories and fill you up.

3. Include Probiotics

Summer barbecues and cookouts can mess up your digestive system, which can slow down weight loss progress.

Eat yogurt and other probiotic foods to keep your digestive system up and running well.


Losing weight for summer doesn’t need to be restrictive.

You just need to change out your diet to flow with the season and all that grows this time of year.

You’ll lose weight more quickly if you do.

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