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Achieve Optimal Joint Health with these Light Exercises

Many people experience some form of joint pain and think they cannot do any exercise. However, these simple exercises are not only possible but also helpful in supporting your joint health.

Thorough Warm-up

People often give up exercising because they start working out without warming up first. Warm-up is especially important for people with joint pain because stiff tendons and muscles cause more pain. Taking light movements like walking for five minutes suffices to warm the muscles.

Foam Rolling

Dry fascia make painful joints even more painful. A soft foam roller can create gentle compression to rehydrate the fascia and provide more cushion for the joints.

Mix up Different Activities

Doing the same exercise all the time is not only boring but also increases the risk of overuse injuries. Mix up high-impact and low-impact exercises to avoid overusing the same muscles and exposing the joints to more impact.

Alternate Lower- and Upper-Body Exercises

Conventional work-out routine starts by exercising bigger muscles and moving to the smaller ones. However, alternating lower- and upper-body exercises are gentler to painful joints, which will also benefit from long breaks.

Determine the Best Cardio Exercise

Start with movements that cause the least impact and gradually take more impactful movements to help you determine your tolerance level. Track how your body reacts to each activity every day to help you develop the most effective program.

Weight Shifting

If squats cause pain on the knees, shift your weight from the balls of the feet to the heels.

Shorten Range of Motion

You can shorten the range of motion with different exercises. For example, you may avoid bending the knees below 90 degrees.

Water Exercises

Water has buoyancy that lessens the impact on joints.


It is always important to take stretching exercises at the end of a workout program. Stretch all major muscle groups for between 20 and 30 seconds without bouncing.

You may also use props and add yoga to your workouts.

About the Author: Mark Delano is the Managing Editor and handles all day to day operations for He is a personal fitness trainer, nutritionist and avid mountain biker who also enjoys exploring the trails of Arizona. Besides his everyday duties at HealthyMale, Mark is also a guest columnist for several blogs related to men's health.

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