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Grow Your Own Indoor Tea Garden

When it comes to drinking tea, experts continue to show us that tea isn’t only a delicious treat, but also a storehouse of antioxidants and health properties. The great news is that you don’t have to rely on the grocery store to carry your favorite teas; with the right effort, you can grow your own tea plant and start enjoying tea leaves from your home!

Step One: Starting Out

There are several different options for obtaining a tea plant. You may choose to visit a local nursery to purchase a plant or start a tea tree from seed. If you know someone who has their own tea plant, you can root a clipping from one of their plants. Seeds take approximately four weeks to sprout. Don’t expect to make tea right away; even once your plants have rooted or sprouted, it will still be three years or longer until your plant produces enough leaves to make a pot of tea.

Step Two: Planting

When planting, chose somewhat acidic soil; soil that is designed for rhododendrons is especially perfect for the tea plant. If you are planting seeds, carefully cover them with dust from the soil, and then keep the soil moist and warm.

Step Three: Maintaining Your Plant

Since tea plants need acidic soil, only water them with soft water. Plants cultivated in a container need a good dose of fertilizer during the summer months. These plants appreciate the sun, but can still do well in the shade. They will thrive in a window or greenhouse since these provide them with sunlight along with protection from the cold. For best results, tea plants must be pruned to keep them the right size. If properly cared for, tea plants can live up to 100 years!

Step Four: Harvesting the Leaves

When spring leaves start to appear on your tea plants, pick the two smallest leaves and the bud; this will be your tea. Depending on how you choose to use the leaves, you can make black, green, white, or Oolong teas.

Growing your own indoor tea garden isn’t difficult. With the right care, you can quit depending on the grocery store for tea and start cultivating it within your own home!

About the Author: Mark Delano is the Managing Editor and handles all day to day operations for He is a personal fitness trainer, nutritionist and avid mountain biker who also enjoys exploring the trails of Arizona. Besides his everyday duties at HealthyMale, Mark is also a guest columnist for several blogs related to men's health.

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