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Is Green Tea Extract a Viable Weight Loss Solution?

Drinking more water, exercising regularly, following a clean diet, and drinking green tea every morning are some of the most common tips for weight loss. Enhancing weight loss with regular green tea consumption is one of the most commonly utilized tools, as it boasts many additional health benefits.

Green Tea Extract as a Fat Loss Facilitator

The predominant polyphenols that are present in green tea extract include catechins and epicatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).

Green Tea Vs. Green Tea Supplements

For green tea drinkers, great variability can exist in the makeup of bioactive compounds due to the way in which the leaves were processed. Factors such as geographic location, growing conditions, type of tea, and preparation methods can determine the amount of EGCG that is present in a particular type of tea. However, standardized extracts of EGCG are much more precise.

About the Author: Mark Delano is the Managing Editor and handles all day to day operations for He is a personal fitness trainer, nutritionist and avid mountain biker who also enjoys exploring the trails of Arizona. Besides his everyday duties at HealthyMale, Mark is also a guest columnist for several blogs related to men's health.

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