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Learning About Amino Acids-Arginine

Arginine is also known as L-Arginine and is considered to be an amino acid that is semi-essential to the body. This amino acid has been found to be beneficial in variety of ways. Below is an overview of Arginine and its benefits.

Foods That Contain Arginine

Arginine is found in a variety of foods we eat every day. Some foods rich in this amino acid include:
• Pumpkin Seeds
• Pork
• Chicken
• Soybeans
• Turkey
• Peanuts
• Dairy Foods

Arginine Supplements

It is also possible to boost arginine levels in the body by taking supplements. While there is no dosage set as a standard by the Food And Drug Administration, a common dose is no more than 3 grams daily.

Arginine Benefits

The list of benefits of Arginine is extensive. Consult your doctor before taking any supplement.

Arginine Side Effects

While Arginine has not been associated with many side effects, there are a few that may occur when taking higher doses of this amino acid such as:
• Nausea
• Diarrhea
• Possible Allergic Reactions
• Low Blood Pressure

Arginine Risk Factors

It is important to speak with your doctor before increasing your Arginine intake if you have any pre-existing medical conditions such as:
• Liver Problems
• Allergies
• Kidney Disease
• Sickle Cell Disease
• History Of Heart Problems
• Asthma

Although rare, Arginine may cause interactions with certain medications including:
• Certain Birth Control Methods
• Blood Thinners
• Hypertension Medications
• Diabetes
• Erectile Dysfunction Medicines

Anyone who takes these medicines should consult their doctor before adding an Arginine supplement.

Arginine is a beneficial amino acid that has many health benefits.

About the Author: Mark Delano is the Managing Editor and handles all day to day operations for He is a personal fitness trainer, nutritionist and avid mountain biker who also enjoys exploring the trails of Arizona. Besides his everyday duties at HealthyMale, Mark is also a guest columnist for several blogs related to men's health.

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