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New Study Shows Frightening Connection Between Men Who Eat Red Meat and Stroke Risk

Even though a diet composed of red meat may be recommended for the physical body workout or losing weight because of the amount of belly-flattening protein that it contains; new research has revealed how this could lead to strokes. On average, people consume almost double the amount of protein that they are supposed to eat in a day.

This is mainly because eating meat is undeniably connected to masculinity, and men would do anything to conform to that ideal. But now this practice has pushed men to be at a higher risk of getting strokes, which could be very dangerous. Both females and males share the numbers of those who are affected, even though the men are at higher chances.

The people in the study, particularly men, who ate the highest amount of red meat had a 62% higher risk of being attacked by an ischemic stroke. This kind of stroke is mainly brought by certain blockages in the vessels of blood that supply the brain. The study also noted that eating about 3.3 ounces of this kind of meat is considered harmful and could lead to this dangerous health condition.

This percentage is typically higher than those who take up a considerable small amount of red meat, about 1.7 ounces of it. Protein obtained from poultry, vegetables, and sources of seafood like legumes and nuts were not associated with any kind of added risk like the mentioned stroke.

Although some studies done in the past have connected high-protein diets to strokes, the outcome has been mixed and this particular research assists in solidifying the evidence suggesting that red meat may cause health complications to the body of a consumer.

According to the study's lead researcher, Dr. Bernhard Haring, there is no harm in consuming red meat especially lean red meat, so long as the amount is limited. Alternatively the highest consumption of processed meat such as sausage, bacon, and jerky contributes to about 24% of strokes, while the highest intake of red meat was tied to an increased risk of 41%.

About the Author: Mark Delano is the Managing Editor and handles all day to day operations for He is a personal fitness trainer, nutritionist and avid mountain biker who also enjoys exploring the trails of Arizona. Besides his everyday duties at HealthyMale, Mark is also a guest columnist for several blogs related to men's health.

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