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Activate 15% DiscountSymptoms You are Not Getting Your Daily Amount of Vitamin B12
There are countless reasons why your body needs vitamin B12. However, it is unfortunate that as you age, your body's ability to absorb vitamin B12 slows down. A study showed that in 100 women between the age of 40 to 59, 4 of them are vitamin B12 deficient. Being deficient means that vitamin B12 is not a part of your regular meal or your body is not absorbing it properly. Some of the signs that you are vitamin B12 deficient include;
FatigueYou tend to feel tired and sleepy even when you have already slept 8 hours a day. This is because, without this nutrient, your body cannot make enough red blood cells. This means that there will not be enough oxygen transportation and without enough oxygen in your body organs, you can barely stay active.
Weak musclesDue to lack of enough oxygen, your body feels weak, and you cannot lift heavy objects that you were able to heave before with ease.
Unusual sensationsYou may experience strange feelings that you never had before. Your hands and legs may feel numb and tingling. This is due to a lack of myelin, which is responsible for covering nerves.
You become forgetfulVitamin B12 helps in metabolism in the brain, and lack of it could lead to memory loss, and you could start experiencing dementia symptoms. This sign is most common in the elderly.
Red and smooth tongueYou tend to lose the bumps found on the tongue and especially on the edges. You may also experience a sore mouth. The bumps, also known as papillae, contain taste buds. When they are gone, you may lose the sense of taste.
Feeling anxiousYou feel worried about little things. Also, you become sensitive and emotional such that small details can make you sad. The changes in mood can also increase the risk of depression.
Poor visionLack of vitamin B12 can lead to damage to the optic system leading to blurred vision, sensitivity to light or double vision.
If you experience any of the mentioned signs, it is wise that you get tested rather than guessing and trying to treat yourself.
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