Most men over the age of 50 have experienced the physical prostate exam. This is not only a potentially embarrassing procedure but adds a great bit of uncomfortability to the man’s psyche as well as his physical body. The physical exam, for those who don’t know, is when a doctor examines the man’s prostate by … Continue reading Are Physical Prostate Exams Mandatory?
Month: August 2022
How Old Is Too Old to Run?
Some aging adults think they need to cut back on strenuous exercises like running as they get older. Nothing can be further from the truth. You can start running at any age. The fact is that you will be a healthier person even if you picked up running later in life. There are people in … Continue reading How Old Is Too Old to Run?
3 Facts About Diabetes Medications
Diabetes has been a diagnosed disease for more than 100 years but people are still unaware of the facts of it. There are a lot of myths when you talk about both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and the real facts may surprise some people. The cause of diabetes, how it’s treated and whether … Continue reading 3 Facts About Diabetes Medications
3 Ways to Save Money on Mens Clothes
Men want to dress fashionably and some worry about the cost of being up-to-date in their closet. It doesn’t have to be an expensive venture if you plan out your purchases correctly. Smart men can save money on clothes by educating themselves on clothes, creating a clothing purchase list and then only buying what you … Continue reading 3 Ways to Save Money on Mens Clothes
3 Steps to Date for True Love
People will do a lot of things to find true love. The problem is they want it to happen easily but love, real love, can take some work to get and even more to keep. Most people are their own worst enemy when it comes to finding love but there are three things you can … Continue reading 3 Steps to Date for True Love
Fresh Air Is Saving CrossFit Gyms
All kinds of fitness gyms suffered when the country, and the world, was locked down with fears of COVID-19 running rampant. It was also one of the hardest industries to recover with the onslaught of online fitness classes and regulations limiting capacity of those attending gyms. A New Concern CrossFit was caught in the crosshairs … Continue reading Fresh Air Is Saving CrossFit Gyms
Women and Low Sex Drives
Most women are annoyed by not overly concerned about a diminished sex drive but they should be. A lot of women think the tempered urge for sex is just a by-product of post menopause. However, a lowered sex drive could be an indicator of a more serious disease. Diseases to Watch For Lowered sex drives … Continue reading Women and Low Sex Drives
Are Women Less Fertile Now?
Many women online talk about fertility issues and that is leading some to question just how big a problem is infertility in modern society. Reports indicate that infertility is rising in the United States, the United Kingdom and in Australia. Medical researchers state reasons for the decline is mostly because women are waiting until they … Continue reading Are Women Less Fertile Now?
Are Afternoon Naps Ok?
Adults feel a little guilty about taking afternoon naps and some feel like a nap may affect them sleeping at night but new research gives a thumbs up for a catnap before dinner. In fact, medical officials say it improves health. A mid-afternoon snooze can boost productivity, improve your mood, help your memory, reduce stress … Continue reading Are Afternoon Naps Ok?
Can Gout Be Cured?
Gout, a type of arthritis, can’t be cured. However, numerous ways exist to control its symptoms. The primary way is by changing your diet and taking doctor-prescribed medication. Although gout is a type of arthritis, it is different from rheumatoid arthritis in its cause, its symptoms and its treatment. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune issue. … Continue reading Can Gout Be Cured?