CrossFit is a fitness program that has become increasingly popular recently. It is known for its high-intensity workouts incorporating weightlifting, gymnastics, and other exercises. However, with any form of exercise, there are both benefits and risks associated with CrossFit. The benefits of CrossFit The program focuses on strength, endurance, agility, balance, and flexibility. The workouts … Continue reading The Benefits and Risks of CrossFit
Category Archives: Crossfit
Is CrossFit Dangerous?
CrossFit has become a favorite among fitness enthusiasts looking to challenge themselves and push their limits. However, there has been some debate about whether or not CrossFit is dangerous and whether the risks outweigh the benefits. What is CrossFit? CrossFit is a popular fitness regimen that combines strength and cardiovascular training to help individuals achieve … Continue reading Is CrossFit Dangerous?
Taking CrossFit Outside
CrossFit gyms have sprung up all over the country but that doesn’t mean all of your CrossFit workouts have to remain inside. As winter starts falling away to the milder weather of spring, consider trying a WOD outside. Taking it outside CrossFit is one of those workouts that is so versatile you can adapt it … Continue reading Taking CrossFit Outside
How to Cool Down after CrossFit?
CrossFit is a great way to get in shape, but it can also be very demanding. If you don’t cool down properly after a workout, you could end up feeling stiff and sore the next day. After a hard day of CrossFit training, It’s important to take the time to cool down properly. This means … Continue reading How to Cool Down after CrossFit?
CrossFit vs. the Gym Workout
CrossFit has gone through a lot of changes in recent years and saw a decline in those using it with the onset of the pandemic. While it’s rebuilding the brand, it also must re-educate people on exactly what it is and does. More specifically, it has to show how it’s different from a typical gym … Continue reading CrossFit vs. the Gym Workout
CrossFit Winter Workouts
CrossFit is known for incorporating movements from daily life into its WODs (workout daily). You may not realize it but it can help you do your winter chores better too. The purpose of these workouts is to help people live a more quality life longer and independently. You can do that by building up muscle … Continue reading CrossFit Winter Workouts
CrossFit Targets Those Over 60
CrossFit went through an unexpected decline when the pandemic lockdowns occurred but the exercise trend is finding new life in enrolling senior citizens into its classes. It’s not that CrossFit never had older people in its classes before. It was always promoted as a routine that adapts to anyone’s abilities. It’s just that now it … Continue reading CrossFit Targets Those Over 60
CrossFit CEO Outlines First Session
Don Faul, who took over as CrossFit CEO in August, said the workout will tell you the truth about your fitness level. A former U.S. Marine Corps platoon commander, Faul said his first CrossFit workout surprised him. The First Time in a CrossFit Gym Faul thought he was in good shape, Faul said. He always … Continue reading CrossFit CEO Outlines First Session
5 Expert CrossFit Training Tips You Need to Know
CrossFit is an intense exercise, but before you start getting into it, you might want to learn a few things first. Whether you have started doing CrossFit or just thinking about taking on this intense exercise to get stronger or to lose weight, you have to know there is a chance of getting injured. This … Continue reading 5 Expert CrossFit Training Tips You Need to Know
Am I Too Old For Crossfit?
Older people don’t jump quickly onto new trends but now that CrossFit has been around for a while, some senior citizens are asking if it’s too late for them to get in on it. The answer is it’s not too late and you aren’t too old. You can start CrossFit at any age but there … Continue reading Am I Too Old For Crossfit?