Feeling a little stressed? Between financial problems, work troubles, and family issues, there’s plenty to be stressed about. If you’re dealing with stress, it could impact your sleep. Stress makes it harder to fall asleep. Most people lay in bed and think about the problem, which makes it difficult for your body to find a … Continue reading 6 Tips to Sleep Better When You’re Stressed
Month: August 2020
Looking for Love? Use These 4 Tips
Finding love can be frustrating. Maybe you’re tired of the bar scene and even more tired of online dating and just want to connect with a person who’s into you. No matter what the reason, everyone can use a little help in the dating department now and then. If you’re really ready to find love, … Continue reading Looking for Love? Use These 4 Tips
What is the Goal of Meditation?
Meditation is a great way to alleviate stress, and in these difficult times, more and more people are considering it as a way to calm their nerves. As you ponder meditation and how it fits in your life, you’re probably also wondering what the goal of such an exercise is. To help, here’s what experts … Continue reading What is the Goal of Meditation?
4 Gout Myths Debunked
Eight million Americans have gout; a painful arthritic condition that usually causes pain in the feet and toes. While the condition is fairly common, there are many, many myths about it. To dispel gout myths, we’re debunking the most common ones. Gout Myths #1: Only large people get gout A person who is overweight or … Continue reading 4 Gout Myths Debunked
Can Lack of Sleep Really Cause Weight Gain?
If you aren’t getting a good night’s sleep, can it really lead to weight gain? Many people wonder if this is true or if it’s an old wives’ tale. Research says a lack of sleep can, indeed, cause weight gain. Lack of sleep leads to bad choices When you’re sleepy, you tend to make unhealthy … Continue reading Can Lack of Sleep Really Cause Weight Gain?
Healthymale’s Amber Explains Why its Important for Woman to Talk to Their Partner About ED Issues
Most women will notice any ED issues before their man will, Healthymale’s Nutritionist Amber helps show the importance of addressing ED these type of issues early with their partners. Amber KallaAmber Kalla personal trainer member of the HealthyMale Squad
Amber Explains the Benefits of Ordering Men’s ED Medication Online
Healthymale is the number one source for Men’s lifestyle medication online, include prescription medication treatments for ED, Hairloss, STDs, Weight loss, and more. Since 1999, we have helped over 675,000 men and processed over 2.75 million prescriptions. Amber KallaAmber Kalla personal trainer member of the HealthyMale Squad
5 Things That Can Happen When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep
Are you tossing and turning at night? Do you wake up every morning feeling drowsy? If you’re not getting enough sleep at night, it can lead to other problems. From lowered sex drive to weight gain, getting enough shuteye is more crucial than you probably think. Here’s a look at some of the things that … Continue reading 5 Things That Can Happen When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep
Does Taking Melatonin Really Help You Sleep?
There’s nothing worse than not sleeping well at night. To avoid this problem, many people – 3 million Americans, actually – take Melatonin. But, does it really work? And if so, how much should a person take each night and when? Here’s what you should know: Melatonin is produced naturally in your body Melatonin that’s … Continue reading Does Taking Melatonin Really Help You Sleep?
Can You Drink With Gout?
The pain associated with gout can be extreme. Attacks can come on quickly and can stick around. This inflammatory arthritic condition is caused by the buildup of uric acid in the body. The build-up turns the acid into crystals that make it painful for joints, usually in the toes and feet, to move. Certain foods … Continue reading Can You Drink With Gout?