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What Are Empty Calories?

The term “empty calories” is thrown around by dieticians and doctors helping you manage your weight. But what does it really mean? The short version is that empty calories refers to foods and drinks that have no significant nutrients but plenty of calories. These calories typically come from added sugars, solid fats or alcohol content … Continue reading What Are Empty Calories?

3 Natural Remedies for Gout

Men who suffer from gout—arthritis usually occurring in the small joints—may wonder if there are natural remedies for the ailment. Although the efficacy of alternative treatments may not have been as studied or proven as scientifically tested traditional medications, there is some anecdotal evidence linking three natural remedies to gout. Here’s a quick summary of … Continue reading 3 Natural Remedies for Gout

How to Choose Yoga Clothing

Choosing yoga clothing sounds easy until you realize that anything too tight will make you uncomfortable and anything too loose will expose you or fall over your head in certain positions. Here are some tips on choosing yoga clothing to help you stay focused on your practice instead of your attire. Functional attire Falling under … Continue reading How to Choose Yoga Clothing

3 Causes of Perineum Pain

Between the anus and the scrotum is an area called the perineum. For men, pain can be due to a number of reasons. Here are a few of the more common causes of perineum pain. Injuries If you’ve recently fell, been assaulted or had rough intercourse, your perineum may have been injured via bruising, scratches … Continue reading 3 Causes of Perineum Pain

Best Abdominal Exercises

Men who are hoping to get some well-defined abdominal muscles may want to try these exercises. The bicycle maneuver Lie on your back and lace your fingers behind your head. Bring one knee toward your chest as you press your lower back into the floor. Twist your body so the opposite elbow touches the knee … Continue reading Best Abdominal Exercises