Fitness Stretching

Nerve Flossing for Sciatica: What Is It?

Even extreme athletes can experience sciatica, spasms in the buttocks and other types of nerve irritation. But there’s something called “nerve flossing” that can help by gently mobilizing the compressed nerves with simple exercises. The best news is that these exercises can be done at home with no equipment, increasing your range of motion and reducing damage to your nerves. Plus, since nerve flossing is a natural approach for nerve pain, you can use it as complementary therapy to pain pills, muscle relaxers or other treatments.

Nerve flossing for sciatica

Here are three exercises to help with sciatica pain:

  1. Seated nerve floss 

Sit in a chair with your legs slightly apart and feet on the floor. Lift one leg out straight and flex your foot toward you. Look up at the ceiling. Now slowly lower your leg back to the original position and tuck your chin to your chest. Switch legs and repeat 10 times each. Do this exercise for sciatic two to three times daily.

  1. Mobilizing stretch

Lie flat on the floor with a cushion or book under your head. Bend your knees, keeping your legs hip-width apart. Slightly tuck your chin and put both hands behind one knee to guide it toward your chest. Still holding behind your knee with your hands, gently extend the leg to a comfortable stretch. Don’t try to push past any pain. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then slowly bend the knee back toward your chest. Lower your foot to the original position. Switch legs and repeat five times per leg. You can also try lifting both knees toward your chest at once.

  1. Back extension

Lie on your stomach facing the floor with your forearms (elbows to fingertips) flat on the floor. Your fingers should be pointing in the same direction as your head. Push your hands into the floor while arching your back but keep your hips on the floor. Hold for 5-10 seconds and then gently lower yourself back to the original position. Repeat 8-10 times.

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