Lifestyle Fashion

How to Properly Hang and Store Clothes

Having a wardrobe of nice clothes is great, but you need to know how to properly hang and store them to keep their shape and extend their wear. Here are some tips on how to best keep your clothes looking their best.

Start with good hangers. Avoid wire and opt for a variety of types of hangers in order to properly store suits, pants, shirts and sweaters. Look for rubber-tipped ends or divots to keep tank tops or silky materials from sliding off. If you have a small closet, invest in swivel hooks with loops so you can link hangers vertically.

Polo shirts: Fold them; don’t hang them on hangers or they can stretch out of shape. Same with t-shirts.

Dress shirts: You can fold them, but that could require more ironing later. If you have the room, hang them on hanger and fasten the top two buttons.

Pants: Jeans and casual pants, such as khakis, can be folded, but dress pants should be hung. Choose a hanger with a traditional trouser bar. The thicker the bar the less creasing. Rubber or felt bars can help prevent sliding. If you have room, you can also hang pants by their hem to decrease wrinkles. 

Suits: Although high-end suits may come with a hanger, not all of your sportscoats will. Choose a wide hanger that extends to where the shoulder meets the sleeve. Ideally, you want something that supports the shoulder pad and mimics your shoulders to keep the coat from changing shape. Look for a traditional suit hanger than bends forward slightly rather than straight. Wood is almost always better than plastic and never use wire hangers, which aren’t strong enough for a suit coat. 

Underwear and socks: Store them in a drawer with cedar or lavender sachets.

Ties: Roll them or hang them, but never still knotted, which can cause them to lose their shape.

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