Weight Loss

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Keeping Weight Off During the Holidays

Anyone trying to lose or maintain their weight during the holidays faces it with a groan and a bit of despair. How can anyone manage that? There are some tricks and tips for being successful at managing your weight with a tray of cannolis in front of you. Here are three.

Be active

The holidays are a busy time but that doesn’t mean they’re an active time. Shopping doesn’t always require a lot of physical exertion. Plan some events with family and friends that involve physical activity rather than
focus on food.

Some ideas include an ice-skating day, flag football in the yard, or a day of hiking. Kids will be home and
family will be visiting. That makes it a perfect time to bond over physical activities.

Snack better

Snacks are not your best friends during the holidays. That’s because they usually consist of things like dips, sauces, and sweet treats. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have snacks. Pick and plan your snacks so you have great go-to items like carrot sticks, peanut butter with crackers, and nuts.

Drink lots of water

Everyone is constantly talking about hydration but it is important during the holidays. Most people are drinking more alcohol than normal, along with sodas, eggnog, and other holiday beverages, so that makes drinking water even more important.

Water can offset dehydration caused by these other beverages, fill you up so you don’t eat as much and help flush out toxins from holiday eating.


You don’t have to let the holidays control your weight. You do have choices and making a few simple ones will prove that you can at least maintain your weight at a proper level while enjoying holiday foods and festivities.

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