Weight Loss

New Year, New Weight Loss Resolution

The new year brings an increased commitment to improve your life and, for many people, that includes a little weight loss. People gain during the holidays anyway and fitting tighter into their clothes gets them thinking about getting back in shape.

Make a plan

Those who want to keep their New Year’s resolutions for longer than a month must craft a plan on how to do that. Successful commitments don’t just happen. You plan them out. A weight loss plan should include three things: a change in diet and nutrition, a change in exercise, and a change in overall lifestyle.

All three contributed to weight gain so you must address all three to lose weight.

Make small changes

Everyone wants to make a big change on Jan. 1 or shortly thereafter. They go head-first into healthy food, tons of exercise, and vitamin supplements. That could be a good thing except for one problem. It’s hard to keep all that up if you haven’t changed your lifestyle

People try to cram this new commitment into their current lifestyle and that never works. It’s better to start with one small change that you always will do. Just one. Make a smoothie in the morning or walk the dog around the block. Then, make another. You will see a significant impact of all the little changes over time.

Try new things

People that make resolutions tend to try the same things they’ve always tried when they make resolutions. They eat tons of salad and go to the gym. Yet, they always yield the same results.

It’s time to shake things up. Try some new recipes using fruits and vegetables you’ve never eaten before. Maybe you should work your way through a healthy cookbook. Try roller skating instead of working out at the gym. You can rediscover some of the things you’ve always loved doing or learn something new you’ve never tried.


There isn’t a magic formula for losing weight. You have to change your lifestyle to focus on healthy habits to drop the pounds. That means you must find clever ways to do that where you don’t feel restricted and are
living a life you enjoy. Do that and losing weight will be easier.

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