Weight Loss

Male eating ice cream

The Ice Cream Dilemma for Summer Weight Loss

You’ve been good since Christmas.

You’ve stuck to your diet and you’re losing weight.

Summer can be a good motivation because it’s bathing suit time but there are two words that stand in your way to a great summer body, ice cream.

The Evils of Ice Cream

Ice cream for all its deliciousness has a lot of added sugar.

You may think you can get the kind with artificial sweetener but those are known to be unhealthy.

Plus, it’s all processed, probably with corn syrup.

What can you do? How will you and your diet survive?

There are a few ice cream hacks you can put in your bag of diet tricks.

Make a Homemade Ice Cream Sandwich

You can control the calories you eat.

One recipe that features chocolate meringue cookies with fat free vanilla ice cream between them only has 54 calories.

Mash a Banana Substitute

Mash up bananas and top them with nuts for a makeshift healthy substitute for ice cream.

Mashed bananas have the same texture and ice cream and taste great.

Drink a Smoothie

Smoothies can be extremely healthy, depending on what you put in them.

You can have a vegetable one with spinach and carrots.

An apple and green tea smoothie gives you energy.

A smoothie is cold and has the same feel as an ice cream shake, making it a great substitute.

Use Frozen Yogurt with Toppings

You can get the same sundae taste with a low-fat frozen yogurt topped with some of your favorite things.

Only lay off the gummy bears and top with nuts, granola, and fruit.

Final Thoughts

You don’t have to suffer through a summer with no sweet treat of ice cream.

You can create your own versions that keep your diet in check and your mind off the half-gallon sitting in the freezer for the rest of the family.

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