Wellness Diabetes

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Can You Get Financial Help If You Have Diabetes?

Having diabetes could mean expensive hospital bills, frequent checkups, and a ton of medicine and maintenance.

If you are out of a job or don’t have health insurance, is it possible for you to get financial aid? Let’s see.

Complications that increase medical expenses for diabetics

Having diabetes alone is financially manageable.

However, the complications in the disease can make things worse for you financially.

Here are some of the complications that you could experience if you have diabetes:

  • Heart attack: People with diabetes are more susceptible to having heart attacks, leading to treatments and surgeries that could cost you.
    Stroke- Individuals with diabetes are also more susceptible to stroke, and this complication can cause brain damage and mental deterioration, ultimately increasing hospitable bills for treatment.
  • Hypoglycemia: It is a common condition for people with diabetes, where the blood sugar becomes too low, causing confusion, dizziness, weakness, anxiety, and headaches.
  • Hypertension: People with diabetes can get high blood pressure, which is one of the common
    complications that can damage blood vessels and vital organs.
  • Amputations: Another common complication for diabetics are amputations, commonly lower-limb
    amputations that causes the inability to work. With this complication, you might need financial assistance.

Diabetes financial assistance resources

10.5% or 34.2 million Americans have had diabetes, which means some of those people are struggling to pay their medical bills because of complications and medicine.

If you are one of these people, you can get financial assistance from these sources:

  • Health care provider
  • Fundraising programs
  • Finding low-cost prescription medicine
  • Prescription drug assistance programs

One or more of these sources can help you with your financial needs if you or your family members and loved ones have diabetes.

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