Wellness Diabetes

Diabetes patient taking blood

What Spring Means For Diabetes Patients

Those with diabetes have some different challenges when springtime comes.

That includes how to carry their diabetic equipment, avoiding sugary spring and summer snacks, and ways to get in shape without messing with their blood sugar levels.

All of these challenges can be met with ease as long as you plan ahead.

Diabetic Equipment

Spring clothes are lighter and more revealing.

That may make carrying something like an insulin pump awkward.

You have two choices.

Those who don’t mind showcasing their equipment can decorate it.

Some even have different cases to match what they’re wearing that day.

Others have quirky patterns or phrases on them.

Those who rather keep their equipment hidden can put the glucose sensor on the back of their arm where no one will see it.

Insulin pumps can be well hidden by placing them at your stomach or the top of your thighs.

Diet Changes

Spring is a good time for diabetics in some ways when it comes to food.

After all, most fruits and vegetables are in season so you can create many creatie plates.

However, homemade ice cream and banana pudding are also in season.

Go for lighter meals like salads.

You can do cold bean salads mixed with lots of vegetables.

Eating lighter meals with more vegetables means you can lower your insulin doses too.

There are many fruits that are good for those with diabetes including strawberries, apricots, raspberries,
mango, papaya and cherries.

Eating these fresh or in smoothies will brighten your day!


Springtime means more people are getting out to enjoy the outdoors and those with diabetes should use the good weather to get some exercise.

Be sure to bring all your diabetes gear with you.

Test your blood sugar before you leave and adjust your insulin dose to prevent hypoglycemia.

Final Thoughts

Being diabetic doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy spring like everyone else.

You may need to plan in a different way but spring is a wonderful time to keep your diabetes in check!

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