
Category Archives: Sleep

Are Afternoon Naps Ok?

Adults feel a little guilty about taking afternoon naps and some feel like a nap may affect them sleeping at night but new research gives a thumbs up for a catnap before dinner. In fact, medical officials say it improves health. A mid-afternoon snooze can boost productivity, improve your mood, help your memory, reduce stress … Continue reading Are Afternoon Naps Ok?

5 Benefits of Napping

Napping is not just for babies and toddlers. Adults can benefit from afternoon naps as well, such as boosting memory, improving job performance and productivity, and more. Here are some of the benefits adults can enjoy from a short afternoon nap. 1. Lift your mood If you are feeling a little down and not in … Continue reading 5 Benefits of Napping

Sleeplessness in the Summer

Summer is a time for fun. You would think it would be easier to relax and sleep on lazy, hazy days. The reality is the opposite. Many people have trouble going to sleep during the summer. The days are longer, pollen is in full force and the heat can make bedrooms uncomfortable even with air … Continue reading Sleeplessness in the Summer