Fitness Crossfit

4 CrossFit Myths Debunked

Are you thinking about trying CrossFit? If so, you’ve probably done some research, talked to a few people, or maybe even tried a class or two. As you first begin, you may have come across a few myths about the routines. To make sure you know what’s real and what’s fake, we’re debunking CrossFit myths today. The following are myths you shouldn’t believe:

1. You’re gonna puke

Yes, CrossFit can be an extreme workout, but most gyms will help you increase your intensity overtime. When you start out, you might feel a bit overwhelmed. It’s okay to take a break and rejoin when you’re ready. This is true with any kind of exercise routine.

2. You’ll get hurt

While there’s always a risk of injury, if you pick a reputable gym or “box” as they’re called, you should be fine. Part of reducing injury risk is knowing your limits though. Don’t power through a workout or lift things you shouldn’t because you think you’re supposed to.

3. Membership isn’t worth the price

It’s true that CrossFit memberships can be a little pricey, but it’s not your traditional gym membership either. “What people pay for at CrossFit is the very high-level coaching—we usually have one coach for every 10 people,” explains Shape Magazine. The cost covers individualized attention, an encouraging atmosphere, all the gear, and help reaching your person goals.

4. Only athletes should try CrossFit

A lot of people assume that you have to be in great shape to try CrossFit, or even be a former athlete, but that’s not true. Anyone can try CrossFit. There may be some ripped bodies at your local CrossFit gym, but don’t let it intimidate you. Most gyms are welcoming and only as competitive as you want it to be.

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