Fitness Running

Couple going on a run together

Tips to Start a Running Routine If You’re Out of Shape

You used to run when you were younger and you remember how good it made you feel.

Then came a career, long nights, a spouse, kids, a dog, a mortgage, and running just didn’t seem to be in the plan anymore. 

Now you want to start back to gain some health benefits and try to lose the doughnut around the middle but you are so out of shape that you don’t know where to begin. 

There is a way to get back into the groove of running. Read on to find out how. 

Tips to Start Running

  1. Buy a good pair of running shoes. You want to protect your feet and legs so you will need some shoes with solid support instead of the ones you use to cut the grass.
  2. Set some goals. Take a good look at where you want to be and be realistic about when you can get there. 
  3. Start slow. You can’t just jump into running, even if you used to run all the time. Start out walking with a dash run thrown in a couple of times. You should exercise for between 20 and 30 minutes and that can include walking. 
  4. Be sure to stretch before and after your runs. That will keep your muscles in shape and prevent injury. 
  5. Treat yourself after your run. Take a shower or a bath. Ice your feet. Do something to reward yourself. Just make sure it’s something healthy!
  6. Track your success. Some people like to journal their distances and times to compare later. Some apps will do that for you. 

Running can be a great benefit and even give you more energy!

Once you start seeing some results with how your body looks and how you feel, it won’t be hard to stay motivated.

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