Sexual Health

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Does COVID Affect Libido?

One of the after-effects of COVID-19 is that many men are experiencing libido problems.

That brings up the question of whether COVID-19 affects reproductive organs. The answer is yes. 

Virus patients can develop both short and long-term sexual issues and it can cause erectile dysfunction (ED) and reproductive issues too, according to one study.

The virus has been found in the testicles, proving it could affect both testosterone and sperm production. 

However, that is where doctors end consideration as they are unsure of the link between the virus and ED.

COVID-19 is known to cause issues with blood vessels, resulting in a high inflammation level.

This can cause blood clots and those, combined with blood vessel inflammation can cause blood flow problems.

Blood flow is highly important in gaining an erection. 

Virus Stress

It’s been documented that COVID-19 results in psychological and physiologic stress and that can lead to more stress hormones released as well as lower testosterone levels.

Testosterone loss can lead to penile tissue fibrosis. That is hard to reverse and difficult to manage. 

Impact on Testicles

Research shows that the virus impacts testicles because it enters the cells by using a protein that is abundant there.

Once inside the testicles, the virus is suspected of causing decreased testosterone levels.

What Can You Do?

Several ways exist where you can lessen the impact of COVID on your life and sexual performance.

Taking Vitamins C, D, and zinc are known as solid preventive measures to avoid getting COVID-19 and are also being promoted as good after-care vitamins to take to reduce long-term symptoms. 

Try to take the stress out of your life. While life may never be “normal” again after COVID-19, you can reduce your anxiety, improve your health, and hopefully that will help your sexual function to return to normal as well.

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