Sexual Health

Couple together in bed

How Often are Married Couples Having Sex?

It is usual for married couples to take a break from having sex. However, the real question is how often you should have sex? Well, it depends on the couple, and we will take a look at some interesting statistics to discover the frequency of intercourse between couples.

Interesting facts about married couple’s sex lives

After the honeymoon phase, sex between couples becomes less frequent. Because you and your spouse have different identities and need to focus on doing your own things, such as work and other responsibilities. Sometimes you can get too tired to have sex.

Here are interesting facts based on an experiment by General Social Survey in 2018:

  • Only 25% of the couples had sex once a week
  • 7% of all the couples had sex only once or twice a year
  • 10% did not have sex in the past year

Once or twice a week is a good number for married couples, but if you don’t have sex at all– that might be something to think about. 

How often should married couples have sex?

The frequency of having sex depends on the couple, the number of children they have, and the length of their relationship. While some couples have sex until they are 60 and up, other couples stop having sex at a young age because of their busy schedules.

To maintain a healthy relationship no sex at all might not be a good idea. Many married couples or people in serious relationships have sex less frequently because they probably enjoy bonding over other activities more, such as actually chilling and watching Netflix as opposed to the code for sex, which is “Netflix and Chill.”


Research says that couples who have sex at least once a week are significantly happier in the relationship. However, it is still a case-to-case basis because some couples simply don’t have the time and energy they used to. 

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