Sexual Health

Naturally Remedies for A Common Sexual Problem in Men

Premature ejaculation can take a toll on your ego and relationships. Luckily, there are some exercises and home remedies that can help. 

Exercises and techniques to try

  • Try starting and stopping. Either stimulate yourself or let your partner stimulate you until you are close to orgasm, then stop until the feeling completely goes away. Do this two more times and on the fourth stimulation, allow yourself to orgasm. This technique can help you identify the sensations right before climax, making it easier to identify and control when you are close to orgasm.
  • Try the squeeze technique. Like the previous method, this exercise allows you to identify the sensations that occur right before orgasm, which may help you control it. When you are close to ejaculating, firmly squeeze your penis by holding the shaft. Hold until not only the orgasm goes away, but also most of your erection.

Topical anesthetics

Topical sprays and creams that contain numbing agents, such as lidocaine, may help numb the penis to delay your climax.

Most directions will tell you to apply the spray or cream to the head of your penis about half an hour before you have sex. Be sure to wash it off a few minutes before sex so your partner doesn’t get numb during intercourse. 


  • Magnesium: A study published in Asian Journal of Andrology found that low magnesium levels were linked to premature ejaculation. Why? Not having enough magnesium appears to increase certain muscle contractions during climax.
  • Zinc: Studies have found that zinc supplements may increase serum testosterone and help with sexual dysfunction.
  • Calcium, copper, selenium and manganese: A piece published in Reviews on Environmental Health indicated that calcium, copper, selenium and manganese may help with sexual function.

The estimates for premature ejaculation vary greatly, with some studies stating as much as 39% of men experiencing it. Talk to your doctor about your options before adding supplements to your diet.

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