It remains uncertain why some men have an enlarged prostate while others don’t, but research is attributing much of the problem to diet.
Around half of men over 50 years old have an enlarged prostate.
The numbers increase to 90% for men over 80.
This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) because it doesn’t post a prostate cancer risk.
However, men with the problem have to constantly go to the bathroom and have trouble urinating.
That is a frustrating problem for them, their co-workers and their families as every function rotates around bathroom availability and use.
The problem is caused by normal prostate cells growing abnormally.
That makes the prostate grow bigger, or enlarge.
The prostate then puts stress on the urethra and that can cause symptoms like the need to urinate, a weak urinary stream, and the need to urinate several times during the night.
What’s the Connection with Food?
A study linked an enlarged prostate with high-calorie intake, high protein intake, and polyunsaturated fats.
Of all of those, doctors suspect that high-calorie intake plays a large role in enlarged prostate.
Another suspect is accumulated body fat and its connection to hormone levels.
Body fat affects hormone stimulation, related to how you burn energy, negatively.
These links between an enlarged prostate and food are further proven by a look at Greek men, who aren’t at high risk for BPH.
Greek men eat more fruit than other cultures and fruits are full of vitamins, antioxidants.
Enlarged prostates are treated with surgery and medication.
Yet, changing some dietary habits may be a good solution to avoid the problem.
Changing a few things in your diet could prevent you from having an enlarged prostate later in life.
It’s a good way to improve your overall health too.