Wellness Sleep

Male asleep in bed eye mask

7 Ways to Relax for Sleep

Everyone has those restless nights. You just can’t get to sleep.

The problem with those nights is you are tired the next day and so begins a vicious cycle of sleeping during the day and not sleeping at night. 

It’s time to break the cycle by implementing some easy habits that will result in a good night’s sleep. 

Redo your sleep environment

The room where you sleep can be causing you stress, preventing you from sleeping.

It could be an uncomfortable bed or pillows, laundry piled in the corner, or too much light or not the right temperature. 

Sleep experts state the best sleep environment is one that is dark, quiet, and slightly cool.

Take a day and evaluate your room and make changes that make you feel good about sleeping there. 

Don’t drink alcohol or caffeine at night 

Many people think alcohol will help them sleep but the opposite is true.

Alcohol and caffeine can keep you from sleeping soundly.

Avoid blue light exposure at night. 

This has been proven to disturb the circadian rhythm.

This includes phones, televisions, and computers.

Plus, it stops you from looking at negative news and programming, which contributes to anxiety. 

Take a warm bath or shower.

Taking a bath or shower before bed will relax you and is a great stress reliever.

Have good hygiene habits. 

Things like brushing your teeth, gargling, flossing, removing make-up, and brushing your hair will help settle you down for the night. 


Experts say it’s good to journal your worries before you go to bed.

That helps release them so they don’t bother you while you sleep.

It’s also good to write down your to-do list for the next day. 

Plan a worrying time. 

Plan a definitive time to worry.

Work out your situations in your head during that time and then put them away and move on with your day.

This keeps your anxiety in check. 


You can get your sleepless nights under control with some behavior modification and a little extra effort.

Getting a good night’s sleep is worth the extra time you put into creating new habits.

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