Wellness Sleep

What to Know About Using OTC Sleep Aids

Those seeking a good night’s sleep sometimes turn to over-the-counter medications for help.

Most people want brands that aren’t addictive, work quickly and with few side effects.

However, there are some things to keep in mind when you use these pills.

Tolerance Builds

Most of these medications contain antihistamines, which is the sedative element in other medications like Benadryl and Nyquil.

The problem with antihistamine use is that your body can eventually build up a tolerance to it.

That means these medications will lessen in their effectiveness over time.

Hangover Effect

The other dilemma of picking an OTC sleep aid is that many can leave you feeling groggy the next day.

Those on other medicines could also suffer from an interaction between the prescription medications and the OTC sleep aid.

It’s best to talk to your doctor before you take them if you are on prescription medicines.

Understanding the Choices

OTC sleep aids typically come with four options and easily have their advantages and disadvantages.

Diphenhydramine is the active ingredient in Benadryl. This sedating antihistamine can leave you drowsy the next day and cause dry mouth. It can also cause urinary retention and constipation.

Doxylamine, found in Unisom, is another sedating antihistamine that has the same side effects as diphenhydramine.

Melatonin is a hormone relating to regulation of the body’s internal clock. Many people use it to relieve jet lag and there is success in that. Side effects include some daytime sleepiness, headaches and nausea.

Valerian is a plant derivative with contradictory studies. Some studies say it works to help sleep while others found no therapeutic benefits. Side effects include headaches and weakness but those are much milder compared to other options.


Picking a sleep aid can be complicated because all are different.

Be sure to look at the labels to make sure of what you’re getting.

Also, make sure the aid you use is non-addictive.

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