Lifestyle Relationships

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5 Signs That You Fear Intimacy

Intimacy and commitment are parts of a relationship that is needed to make it long lasting and healthy.

However, without knowing, you might fear intimacy.

And this fear might cause you to sabotage a healthy romantic relationship with your partner.

Being intimate with another person isn’t just about sex, it is also about being:

Emotional- You are open to talking about your feelings.
Intellectual- You are open to having deep conversations and sharing ideas.
Experiential- You bond over hobbies and interests.

If you feel that you fear intimacy and it is not going well for you and your partner relationship-wise, here are 5 signs that you fear intimacy.

1. You find it difficult to express your needs

If you are afraid to discuss and express your needs to your partner, this is a sign that you fear intimacy.

This fear is caused by feeling undeserving of someone’s affection.

2. Perfectionism

Another sign that you fear intimacy is the need to be perfect. Whether you are perfect or not, you deserve that person in your life.

If you feel that you always need to be at your best all the time, it is a clear sign that you are afraid of being
intimate with someone.

3. Difficulties with physical contact

You might always avoid physical contact, especially if you and your partner just met or just started a relationship.

Having trouble with physical contact is a clear sign of your fear of intimacy.

It could be because of the trauma of past relationships or other reasons.

4. Fear of commitment

This cause is probably present because of the trauma from prior relationships.

If you are afraid of getting hurt because of the past, you may find it difficult to be intimate with someone.

5. Sabotaging relationships

If you are constantly sabotaging every relationship you have ever been in, you may fear intimacy.

Because you fear that your relationship will break down any minute, you go ahead and sabotage it before it gets serious.

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