
Nutritional Supplements Vegans Should Know About

To be clear, not all vegans need to take nutritional supplements. Plenty of vegans stay well-nourished through their diet. But for others, certain nutrients—such as vitamin B12, which is primarily found in meat, dairy and seafood—are more easily gained through supplements.

Here are some of the most beneficial supplements for vegans.

1. Vitamin B12

This vitamin helps metabolize proteins, assists with the formation of red blood cells and supports the nervous system. Because there are limited sources of this vitamin for vegans, B12 is one of the most commonly needed supplements. It’s important to note that our ability to use vitamin B12 declines with age and everyone absorbs it differently. If you really want to get B12 from your diet, try eating nutritional yeast or nori, which is a kind of seaweed. There are also plenty of plant-based foods that are fortified with B12, such as tofu, rice, nut milk and some breakfast cereals.

2. Calcium

Although vegans can get calcium through things like mustard greens, chickpeas, bok choy and fortified foods, research indicates that calcium levels are often low in vegans compared the vegetarians and those who eat meat. Taken with vitamin D to help boost absorption, calcium can help with bone and teeth strength, heart health and muscle function.

3. Zinc

Like vitamin B12, there are very few plant-based sources of zinc. Although it is possible to get it from certain vegan foods, such as cereals and legumes, studies have shown that vegans tend to have lower overall zinc levels. Zinc is vital for metabolism and the immune system.

4. Iron

There are plenty of ways to consume iron, which helps build healthy blood cells and carry oxygen through the body. While heme iron comes from animals, nonheme iron can be found in nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, dried fruits, some fortified foods like cereal and dark, leafy vegetables.

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