Sexual Health

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Is Erectile Dysfunction Curable?

If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction and having a hard time keeping it up, you may be wondering if there is a cure for your condition aside from Viagra and other ED drugs prescribed by doctors.

In most cases, ED is definitely treatable. However, it takes a lot of work on your part. But before we talk about the treatment, let’s take a look at what causes erectile dysfunction.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

There are many factors that could contribute to erectile dysfunction, such as lifestyle factors. Too much smoking, alcohol use, obesity, and physical inactivity are some of the main causes of it.

Other causes can be drugs, such as amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana.

Some medical factors can also be the cause. If you have diseases, like heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, low testosterone, and other problems, these could also contribute to ED.

ED through medical conditions is primarily caused by the medicine and drugs you take to battle your disease.

Aside from all the lifestyle and medical factors, other psychological and emotional conditions can contribute to ED, such as anxiety, depression, performance anxiety, low self-esteem, guilt, family and relationship
problems, and stress is something you should take note of.

Treatments for erectile dysfunction

Now that you know the causes of ED, you are probably wondering how it can be treated. There may be cures for ED, but there aren’t quick fixes that could make the problem go away faster. Even natural supplements are not safe, such as herbal viagra and other drugs marketed as organic and natural.

Some of the treatments will depend on the cause. If you smoke too much, you can dial down or quit smoking entirely. If you are overweight, you can try changing your lifestyle, and if you are a chronic drug user, quitting is the best option to treat your ED.

Taking oral medication like Viagra, Stendra, Cialicis are quick band-aid solutions, but they are not for curing ED completely. Managing your ED is the best solution if you cannot find a cure for it.

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