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Causes of Low Energy for Men

We all have days that cause us to feel low energy. But sometimes, feeling a little tired is a symptom of a bigger issue. Here are some possible causes of low energy in men and how to rectify them. Low testosterone As we get older, the amount of testosterone our bodies produce decreases, which can … Continue reading Causes of Low Energy for Men

6 Ways to Decrease Belly Fat

If you’re looking for ways to get rid of belly fat, you’ll need a multi-prong approach. Visceral fat—which releases hormones that can contribute to serious health conditions like diabetes and heart problems—is best controlled with diet and exercise. Here are 6 specific steps you can take to decrease belly fat: 1.Add more fruits and vegetables … Continue reading 6 Ways to Decrease Belly Fat

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise

Although both aerobic and anaerobic exercise are good for your body, they provide different benefits. Aerobic exercise These endurance-enhancing exercises increase your heart rate and breathing over longer durations. Think short bursts of intense activity, such as cycling, dancing, swimming, running or walking briskly. Exercises that require you to use your muscles in a rhythmic … Continue reading Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise