
Category Archives: Gout

Treating Gout From Home

If you have Gout, you already understand how quickly attacks can come on and how painful they can be. If you want to deal with some of the symptoms at home, here’s what you can do: Take medications early For some people, Gout attacks come with warning signs. For example, some people experience tingling or … Continue reading Treating Gout From Home

3 Natural Remedies for Gout

Men who suffer from gout—arthritis usually occurring in the small joints—may wonder if there are natural remedies for the ailment. Although the efficacy of alternative treatments may not have been as studied or proven as scientifically tested traditional medications, there is some anecdotal evidence linking three natural remedies to gout. Here’s a quick summary of … Continue reading 3 Natural Remedies for Gout

The Stigma Around Gout

There’s a stigma surrounding gout, possibly because people incorrectly assume that it’s caused by a hedonistic lifestyle. The truth is that some people are predisposed to gout, regardless of what—or how much—they eat or drink or exercise. Although certain foods and drinks (e.g., shellfish, meat, sugary drinks and alcohol) can increase the risk of a … Continue reading The Stigma Around Gout