Many men are experiencing erectile dysfunction due to low testosterone levels because of aging and other medical conditions. However, there is no need for them to worry because there are ways to get through this condition. You can either change your lifestyle or take oral medication. However, if you are not sure if it is … Continue reading What are the Safest Erectile Dysfunction Pills
Category Archives: Sexual Health
How to Overcome Sexual Performance Anxiety in Men
Sexual performance anxiety is a problem that plagues many men. It can cause erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and even a complete lack of sexual desire. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this problem and enjoy a healthy and satisfying sex life. This article will discuss the causes of sexual performance anxiety in men and offer … Continue reading How to Overcome Sexual Performance Anxiety in Men
Getting Your Groove Back in Winter
Winter is not kind to men’s libidos. Just as reduced sunlight and cooler temperatures can cause seasonal depression, they also reduce men’s libido. A key reason for the libido drop during winter is lower testosterone. Men’s testosterone starts hitting the lowest point of the year from November until April. Scientists link the drop directly with … Continue reading Getting Your Groove Back in Winter
Is Erectile Dysfunction Curable?
If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction and having a hard time keeping it up, you may be wondering if there is a cure for your condition aside from Viagra and other ED drugs prescribed by doctors. In most cases, ED is definitely treatable. However, it takes a lot of work on your part. But before … Continue reading Is Erectile Dysfunction Curable?
5 Sperm Killers You Should Watch Out For
If you are trying to build a family and have kids, you should watch out for the things that could affect your sperm count and performance. According to statistics, the fertility rate has gone from 2.52 in 2010 to 2.39 children per woman in 2020. With that said, you should watch out for these 5 … Continue reading 5 Sperm Killers You Should Watch Out For
Is Recreational Viagra Safe?
Viagra is a drug created for men with erectile dysfunction, and it was not meant for people to use recreationally just to enjoy better sex. Recreational viagra is when men without erectile dysfunction use it just to experience better sex, and it is not advisable. Using viagra under no conditions will have a dangerous impact … Continue reading Is Recreational Viagra Safe?
Is It Easier to Get Pregnant in Winter?
Many studies exist on when is the optimum time to get pregnant. There have been studies of full moons, best months, temperature studies, and seasonal studies. So can women get pregnant easier during winter than in other seasons? It would appear so. Animals may do a lot of their mating in the spring but winter … Continue reading Is It Easier to Get Pregnant in Winter?
Does Cold Weather Affect Libido?
Some men are finding they aren’t feeling in their groove during the winter and it’s not because all the family’s coats are on the bed. While you can’t blame a low libido completely on Mother Nature, the colder weather can affect sex drives in both positive and negative ways. For instance, Dec. 11 is consistently … Continue reading Does Cold Weather Affect Libido?
Can Acupuncture Help You Get Pregnant?
Those who are trying to have a baby can and will seek out unconventional methods they hope work. Acupuncture has been under review for years as a possible way to increase fertility odds in otherwise unsuccessful couples. The results of acupuncture Acupuncture by itself only shows a slight improvement of less than 1% of pregnancy … Continue reading Can Acupuncture Help You Get Pregnant?
How to Keep Up Libido Under Holiday Stress
The holiday season can be stressful. From Halloween to New Year’s it’s family gatherings, social events, gift-buying, and lots of eating. Who has time for sex? Yet, those who want sex may find it challenging even if they find an intimate moment. The stress of spending and doing can cause many to have lower libido. … Continue reading How to Keep Up Libido Under Holiday Stress